

Coming Together

Coming Together

In Primer

In Primer

Monday, April 28, 2014

The fear of fiberglass

My friend Bob came down last week and was helping me work at fitting the front fiberglass fenders. After fumbling with that for a few hours, nothing was going right. It looked like there was no possibility in lining everything up. Told Bob I was frustrated and was going back to repairing the metal fenders. I did some more patch work on the two lower parts as they are smaller and easier to work with. After patch work was done, I bolted them up to the front nose section. Didn't look too bad from 40 feet, but after making a template off the flange of the lower fiberglass piece I could see that the metal ones had been bent so bad and very lumpy, that it was  going to take more skill than I had to make them right.
My next idea was to use the fiberglass lower section and the metal top piece.. I did a bunch of measuring and some cutting, (cutting your first fiberglass is a bit scary) and fit them in place. Went pretty good and looked even better than the metal ones. Okay, if they fit pretty good, how about working with the fiberglass top pieces. That's where I  am now. Got a few bolts in so far. My friend Roger says "Patience is a waste of time".  It does take a lot of time.
Gonna take a break and go play golf tomorrow.

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