

Coming Together

Coming Together

In Primer

In Primer

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Bed and Fenders

My friend Bob came down and helped me yesterday and we got a lot more done.   Got the new shorter gas tank fill neck and installed it. The gas cap will be under to bed boards now. Ordered a billet flip up gas cover that I will inlay into the bed boards. Also ordered some tailgate straps to keep the tailgate from flopping all the way down. Got the new tailgate spring loaded latches installed. I like them really well.. Have to make some round and teardrop filler pieces for the ends of the box and tailgate. I will weld them in and smooth them up.  Once all that is done, I can take the box all back apart and clean it up for paint..
The replacement hood should be here tomorrow. The guy said he sent me a better one than the one he sent pictures of. We'll see tomorrow. It's got to be better than the one I have now.

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